Teaching students multiple strategies to solve math problems and letting them choose the strategy that works best for them fosters inde...
The trend now among most reading programs is to rush your little ones into learning to decode (and being aware of print) so that they c...
Guys, I love my kindergarten classroom! I love how all the decor came together, and the overall "homey"  feeling I get when ...
It's the most exciting time of the year!  It's BACK TO SCHOOL!!!  I love meeting my new students each year!  I love the exci...
Keeping thirty 5-year olds motivated during a writing lesson is a challenge for any teacher. As a new teacher, it's hard not to feel d...
Have you heard of  El Ratón Pérez, the charming and adventurous mouse who collects children’s teeth in Spain and Latin America?  (Af...
"Once Begun is Half Done" My teaching mantra. The groggy person hitting the snooze button at five in the morning drags her ...